

Designed by Guialmi R&D

In general when companies think about their organizational needs for the filing of the documentation, they mainly think about the aspects that are related with the function, the space, the amount of information, the quality of the storage ... but demanding patterns have been increasing and presently there are different types of companies – those that look at details – in this case also regarding aesthetics, sound proofing, the division of the space .... Thinking about these types of companies, Guialmi developed a new filing system - D/LINE. This is a very acute and aesthetic collection, guaranteeing functional aspects. An extraordinary wide range that proposes various solutions, which are adapted to the specificities of various types of spaces – open space, private offices, meeting rooms, common areas, break-out... D/LINE by GUIALMI.

2018 - 2024 © GUIALMI - Empresa de Móveis Metálicos, SA



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